New: Push notifications and mobile apps

Slow down, so everybody can belong.

Booklet is an async community app,
because chat is chaotic and hard to follow.

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Booklet components
Video tour

A Booklet overview in three minutes:


Threaded posts and replies

Structured discussions make it easy for members to follow only the topics they care about and respond when they have time.

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Booklet replies featureBooklet posts feature
Profile feature exampleProfile feature example

Browse member profiles

Find other members, learn about them through their profile, and contact them directly through email. Plus, you can see their posts and replies.

Email summaries

AI-powered newsletters

Booklet uses AI to write a custom email newsletter summarizing posts and discussions for every member, so they don't have to read every post and reply.

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Member activity featureRecent viewers feature

Customize branding, privacy, and more

Public or private
Custom domain
Light and dark modes
Upload your logo and icon
Custom brand color
Moderation tools

Free plan + no per-user fees



For hobby and social communities

Public or private communities

Unlimited posts and replies

Unlimited members




Coming soon, for teams with multiple groups

Everything in Network

Multiple Groups

Advanced API

Create a free group today